Hugh’s Advice to me

Created by Tomos one year ago

Hugh sat behind me in maths class during year 8 and I often turned around for a chat and laugh with him. One day, quite out of the blue, he asked me if I’d ever swum in the sea naked! I said no, and I remember him saying “Tom, you've got to try it - it’s life changing!” I was blown away by this comment, but remembered it, and years later gave it a go whilst on holiday - and finally understood what he meant! Ha ha! I hope this story isn’t inappropriate to share here, the reason I wrote it is because I remember Hugh as kind and funny, but also as having a twinkle in his eye. Even though we haven’t seen Hugh for years, Elinor and I have been very moved by his posts about his illness and all the love and encouragement everyone sent him in the replies. It’s great to see he was loved by a great many people, we clearly all felt the same about him. I hope you are swimming happily Hugh.